- Mentorship to seven undergraduate student interns in the OSU Honey Bee Lab. Trained them in hive evaluation techniques, conducted a field experiment on comparing different hive evaluation methods and currently working on data analyses and publication of the research results with the undergraduate students.
- Mentor to a graduate student from the Dept. of Microbiology in insect physiology techniques.
- Mentor to Honey Bee Lab two graduate students.
- Invited guest lecture – Chemeketa Community College, Salem, Oregon, USA (May 21st, 2019)Invited to speak on the novel techniques in molecular entomology research.
- Teaching assistant ENT 322, Oregon State University Teaching assistant for the online E-campus course on Canvas “Honey Bee Biology & Beekeeping”, Fall Term 2019, Oregon State University.
Teaching assistant ENT 322, Oregon State University
Teaching assistant for the in-class course “Honey Bee Biology & Beekeeping”, Spring Term 2018, Oregon State University. Along with teaching in class, I assisted in grading the examinations and assignments.
Teaching assistant ENT 322, Oregon State University
Teaching assistant for the online E-campus course on Canvas “Honey Bee Biology & Beekeeping”, Fall Term 2017, Oregon State University. I spent 10 hours every week throughout the entire term. Along with teaching, I also evaluated student projects and graded the examinations and assignments.
Developed and taught module 4 (Threats to pollinators) at the 6 months certificate course on pollination biology at the Centre for Pollination Studies, University of Calcutta. Along with teaching the module, my responsibilities were to define and develop the lectures and courses for module 4, guide the graduate students in understanding the various threats to pollinators and encourage them in understanding the multifactorial stressors affecting global pollinators. A section of the lecture was also dedicated to using various physiological techniques in understanding the impacts of the various stressors on individual bee physiology. I formulated questions for examinations and also evaluated course examination answer scripts. I spent 5 hours every week for 6 months.
Mentored one graduate student intern at the Ecology Research Unit, University of Calcutta. I guided and trained the student in various techniques pertaining to insect physiology and behavior using bees as a model system. I also helped the student to develop various skills for conducting field studies. In addition, I trained the student in diverse ecotoxicological experimental skills. I guided the student into achieving great results in the experiments. The student published with us and is now pursuing PhD in a related field in University of Tennessee (Knoxville). Hours spent 25 hours every week for one year.
2013 – 2015
Mentored three M.Sc. (Zoology) Ecology special paper students each year in insect physiology, biology and behavior (using honey bees as a model system) at the Ecology Research Unit, Department of Zoology, University of Calcutta. My responsibilities were to encourage students in understanding the uniqueness of the honey bee model system, develop their skills in insect physiology and behavior, guide them through the experiments and most importantly develop their troubleshooting skills. Four of the five students are pursuing their PhD in related fields now. Hours spent 12 hours every week for 2 years.
August, 2010 – July, 2012
Guest lecturer in Zoology (Hons.), Asutosh College, University of Calcutta, 92 Shyamaprasad Mukherjee Road, Kolkata 700026, India.
My responsibilities were to develop insect physiology and animal behavior courses for the undergraduate honors lectures, deliver lectures on subjects pertaining to insect physiology, animal behavior, ecology, developmental biology and ecotoxicology. I maintained strong communications with the undergraduate students mentored them as needed. I also evaluated the examination answer scripts. Classes taught for 8 hours every week for 2 years.
2018: Certificate course completed
Tuesday Teaching Talks organized by the Oregon State University Center for Teaching and Learning.
2017: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Training successfully completed, Oregon State University.
September 2019
OSU Honey Bee Lab volunteer at Corvallis Environmental Center for a 3-part educational program on pollinators for Pre-Kindergarten-1st grade students, Corvallis OR.
April, 2019
OSU Honey Bee Lab volunteer for Glory Bee Weekend, Eugene OR.
January, 2018
Present: Invited to speak at numerous bee groups and beekeeping clubs, as a representative of the OSU Honey Bee Lab.
January, 2017
Present: Volunteer at various outreach workshops in schools on behalf of the Honey Bee Lab, Oregon State University.
June, 2017
Volunteer for the “National Pollinator’s Week”, participated in survey of the native bees of Corvallis. This was a family-friendly event led by some of the Oregon state’s top bee biologists from Oregon State University and Oregon Department of Agriculture held in Corvallis, Oregon, USA.
October, 2017 – December, 2017
Staff volunteer at the Corvallis Multicultural Literacy Center, Corvallis, Oregon, USA.
2013 – 2015
Helped organize and participated in various farmer awareness programs, beekeeper trainings and farmer training programs across various Eastern states in India. This project comprised of a large team and was funded by the Darwin Initiative Grant, DEFRA, Govt. of UK, and was coordinated by Prof. Parthiba Basu and Dr. Barbara Smith (University of Calcutta, India and Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, UK collaboration). The stakeholders involved were government organizations, farmers, beekeepers, various agricultural nonprofit organizations, researchers and policy makers.
Interaction at daylong seminars with schoolchildren to spread environmental and pollinator awareness.
October, 2017 – December, 2017
Staff volunteer at the Corvallis Multicultural Literacy Center, Corvallis, Oregon, USA.